Jesus, tired from His journey, sat down at Jacob’s well.
And from there a story would unfold, of which the scriptures tell.
A woman from Samaria, arrived about the time of noon.
Perhaps our Lord waited for her, knew she would be coming soon.

He asked this woman from the well, to give Him a drink.
She couldn’t do this right away. She had to stop and think.
She pondered this, and seemed to be a little bit confused,
For Jews, with Samarians, nothing in common, ever used.

Christ said, if she knew Who He was; if the gift of God, she knew,
She would have asked for, and been given, living water too.
She saw He had no bucket. She saw the cistern deep.
She pondered where to get this water. She made that mental leap.

To those who drink this living water, quenched thirst it would bring.
This water for eternal life, would be a living water spring,
The woman asked for living water, so of thirst she’d have no more.
She didn’t want to keep returning, and more water have to draw.

Jesus told her she should call her husband and come back.
She told him that a husband, was something which she lacked.
He told her she was right in saying that, a husband she had none.
He said she’d had five husbands, and the current man, wasn’t one.

She spoke of the Messiah’s coming, this much it seems she knew.
Jesus then informed her: “I am He.” Who speaks now to you.
At that she left her jar, left for town, saying come and see,
“…a man who told me everything I’ve done.” Is this the Christ?  Now could this be?
And many people in the town, would soon in faith believe.
Because of what they’d heard, because of what, from Christ, they had received.

Christ won’t You go to thirsty loved ones, and to them do tell,
of Your living water springs, as You told the woman at the well.
Let them know, Who You are, the reason why You came.
That You know, all they have done, yet love them just the same.

Give to them a new hope, a new desire too,
To abandon their confusion, and find new life in You.
Then send them into town, to bring back to You their friends.
To learn of You, of Your hope, eternal life that never ends.

May they use the internet and every type of twitter,
To become Your advocate, evangelical transmitters,
Of all the things You will for souls, and want souls to do.
Let them know, that You are with them.  May the Holy Ghost,
Help them have holy Facebook chats, make holy Facebook posts.

May all drink Your living water, and Your living Word obey,
May all souls return to You, Your steadfast love today.

(Based on John 4:5-42)


  1. Beautiful Mary Anne! Thank you so much. I’m praying for our loved ones to find new life in Christ. God bless, Elizabeth

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