Let us not trust each Spirit; but put each Spirit to the test.

To see which ones belong to God, which ones by God are blessed.

False prophets come.  And they go into the world with revel.

They have no Spirit of the Lord, but the spirit of the devil.


The Spirit which denies that Christ has come, and for us has died,

Is the spirit of the evil one, the spirit which has lied.

God’s Spirit is the one, which proclaims that Christ is Lord,

That all His commands, should be followed and adored.


If we can keep Christ’s commands, do what pleases Him,

We will receive what we ask.  True love will not grow dim,

God is pleased, when in His son, we truly believe,

when we love each soul in truth, when we love, and not deceive.


If we can but remain in God, God will in us remain.

Through our trials and our troubles, and all of our pain.

Lord, give to us discernment, to know wrong from right.

May we live Your command to love, as for truth we fight.


Loved ones have lost their compass, lost their moral way;

So many lured away from You, by evil led astray,

Help loved ones to see Your truth, love each of Your commands,

Give to them true wisdom, in this confusing land.


Help those we love show others, a love that’s good and pure.

Lord Jesus, may You be the One, they follow and adore.


(Based on 1 John 3:22-24)

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