Do you know who I really am?
I’m a child of God, made for His Divine plan.
I’m His image and likeness on earth;
I’m a person of value, dignity and worth.

But that alone is not the full story.
I have gifts to be used for His glory.
Beyond that there’s more to me still,
I have been given an intellect and will,

He calls me to love with a pure heart and mind,
In a way that’s forgiving, gentle and kind.
God has plans for my life, and I’m sure you know,
They’re plans for my welfare, not for my woe.

He gives me freedom, and strength to cope;
He has plans for my future of hope.
There may struggles, there may be strife,
But Christ promised me abundant life.

God has given truth to me
And it’s the truth that sets me free.
And by now I’m sure you can see,
Before I was born, He knew who I’d be.
I’m a child of God, can you see, that’s my true identity.

I’m made for heaven, so says His word.
What eye has not seen and ear has not heard.
There will be joy, but no more fears,
there will be laughter, but no more tears.

For that is what the Divine Words say,
that every tear He’ll wipe away.
Death will flee us on that day;
the old order of pain will pass away.

The Son has prepared a home there for me.
Heaven’s my home for eternity.
I am a child of God, can’t you see?
Before I was born, He knew who I’d be.

I can dismiss my achievements,
forget my woes;
Forget my passions and my sorrows.
If I can just sit quietly, I’m sure to hear:

My child I love you and I am near.
Don’t give up and don’t despair,
upon Me you can cast your cares.
I will heal your hurting heart and mind,
your bleeding wounds I’ll wrap and bind.
I am knocking on your heart’s door,
with so much love and grace in store.
Open the door and let me in.
Step towards me.  Flee from sin.
Open your eyes and you’ll see,
no one loves you more than Me.
I knit you in the womb of your mother.
Exactly like you, I’ve made no other.
I will help you run this race,
No one on earth can take your place.

If I can follow what He says,
And give to Him my love,
My life will work out for the good,
with grace from up above.

And so, with faith and serenity,
I profess my true identity:
I’m beloved of God. I’m part of His plan.
I am God’s child. That’s who I am.
As I journey along this path that is mine,
I am made to fulfill His will divine.

I am a child of God, can you see,
before I was born, He knew who I’d be.
I am a child of God, can you see,
that’s my true identity.

You’re a child of God, can you see?
That’s your true identity.
You’re a child of God can you see?
Before you were born, He knew who You’d be.