“Christ Jesus will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have suffered a little.” (1 Peter 5:10)
In humility let us be clothed, in humility abide.
God resists the proud. Let us reject deceiving paths of pride.
By our Lord, to the humble, favor is bestowed.
The mighty hand of God exalts sojourners on life’s humble road.
Let us cast on Him all our distress and all our worry,
Let us run to our Lord–run to greet Him in a hurry.
As sober soldiers vigilant, we know that at this hour—
The roaring lion prowls about seeking souls to devour.
May we resist the devil, to our faith let us cling.
For it is faith that calls us, and faith that true peace brings.
It is God Who will restore us; give us new strength too.
After we suffer but a little, the gift awaits of life anew.
Lord, we beg Thee go to each of our loved ones.
Show them the humble road to trod, by which heaven is won.
Melt their hearts grown hard. Help them build foundations strong.
Set each soul free by truth. With You, forever may they belong.
Posted: April 25, 2020 · Leave a Comment
“Christ Jesus will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have suffered a little.” (1 Peter 5:10)
In humility let us be clothed, in humility abide.
God resists the proud. Let us reject deceiving paths of pride.
By our Lord, to the humble, favor is bestowed.
The mighty hand of God exalts sojourners on life’s humble road.
Let us cast on Him all our distress and all our worry,
Let us run to our Lord–run to greet Him in a hurry.
As sober soldiers vigilant, we know that at this hour—
The roaring lion prowls about seeking souls to devour.
May we resist the devil, to our faith let us cling.
For it is faith that calls us, and faith that true peace brings.
It is God Who will restore us; give us new strength too.
After we suffer but a little, the gift awaits of life anew.
Lord, we beg Thee go to each of our loved ones.
Show them the humble road to trod, by which heaven is won.
Melt their hearts grown hard. Help them build foundations strong.
Set each soul free by truth. With You, forever may they belong.
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