John was shown by the Lord a heaven that was new.
The former heaven passed away.  John saw a new earth too.
The former earth was now gone, and with it gone the sea.
The Holy City had come down, in its full glory.

The Lord at last has come to dwell among His people.
In a place where virtue reigned, in a place void of all evil.
In a place where peace prevailed, no more conflict or wars.
He would wipe away our tears.  Our tears would be no more.

The old order passed away.  No more mourning, no more moans.
Just the glory of heaven with the Lord upon His throne.
He is forever with us.  We are forever with Him.
Forever truth will shine, no more will truth grow dim.

The Master has triumphed.  For us He has come through.
He pronounced the words: “Behold, I make all things new.”
All was glory, now made new, by Him on Whom we depend.
He is the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end.

Dear Lord, when our earthly trials seem too much to bear.
When life’s burdens weigh us down, help us know that You are there.
You wait for us to come to You.  You are our true and loyal friend.
Help us remember, dear Lord, the glory of our final end.

Help our loved ones to stay faithful, to what You said and taught.
With feet on the path to heaven, may they be no more distraught.
Guide them toward the truth.  Guide them toward Your glory too.
May we all one day dwell in glory in a new heaven with You.

(Based on Rev. 21:1-6)

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