It’s good to have a thankful heart,
out of the gate, and from the start.
If we could cultivate an attitude of gratitude,
If we could do ourselves this favor,
to be thankful, never waver,
Thanking God for each new day,
Thanking God for finding something kind to say
Come what may,
Would we live eternal bliss if not a moment would we miss,
to thank God for what He’s given us.
So many little gifts through life,
A hand of comfort during strife,
That smile when we were feeling down,
It came and swept away our frown.
If we could skip the ingrate trap,
Thank God for water from the tap,
clean air to breathe, a sun that shines,
If we could put away our whines.
If we could but be thankful now,
See not the shattered dreams and broken pieces,
See not the tears and wrinkled creases,
But see all things as on the mend,
And His love that never ceases.
If we were thankful for the prayers—not just the answered ones that please,
But for the unanswered ones, which keep us ever on our knees,
And close to Him who calms our souls and stills the stormy seas.
If thankful wishes we could send,
Until we reached our final end,
If we were thankful for each sorrow we had borne,
For each day we’d struggled to feel not forlorn
If we could be thankful not just for the win,
But for the chance to lift, then carry this cross with Him.
If we could thank God for each mile,
Would that please God, would He smile?
Thanking God for this day.
Thanking God, we have “God’s ways”
Thanking Him upon Whom all life depends.
Thanking God for ever-faithful friends,
Like you, who on this day,
Will join with us to pray.
Posted: November 25, 2020 · Leave a Comment
It’s good to have a thankful heart,
out of the gate, and from the start.
If we could cultivate an attitude of gratitude,
If we could do ourselves this favor,
to be thankful, never waver,
Thanking God for each new day,
Thanking God for finding something kind to say
Come what may,
Would we live eternal bliss if not a moment would we miss,
to thank God for what He’s given us.
So many little gifts through life,
A hand of comfort during strife,
That smile when we were feeling down,
It came and swept away our frown.
If we could skip the ingrate trap,
Thank God for water from the tap,
clean air to breathe, a sun that shines,
If we could put away our whines.
If we could but be thankful now,
See not the shattered dreams and broken pieces,
See not the tears and wrinkled creases,
But see all things as on the mend,
And His love that never ceases.
If we were thankful for the prayers—not just the answered ones that please,
But for the unanswered ones, which keep us ever on our knees,
And close to Him who calms our souls and stills the stormy seas.
If thankful wishes we could send,
Until we reached our final end,
If we were thankful for each sorrow we had borne,
For each day we’d struggled to feel not forlorn
If we could be thankful not just for the win,
But for the chance to lift, then carry this cross with Him.
If we could thank God for each mile,
Would that please God, would He smile?
Thanking God for this day.
Thanking God, we have “God’s ways”
Thanking Him upon Whom all life depends.
Thanking God for ever-faithful friends,
Like you, who on this day,
Will join with us to pray.
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