Jesus was born In Bethlehem, in King Herod’s days.
The Magi who were traveling, had stopped by Herod’s way.
They had come to see the Savior.  For they had seen, rising, a star.
From the East the Magi had travelled.  They travelled from afar.

Now the newborn’s birth to the world, was really such great news.
And the Magi longed to honor, the King of the Jews.
But when King Herod heard of this, He was greatly troubled.
Herod must have paced the floor, fretted as worries doubled.

Scribes and chief priests he assembled.  He likely did this fast.
Where was the Messiah to be born?  He wondered and then asked.
Looking to the ancient prophet, the priests and scribes did tell.
From Bethlehem he would come.  From there, shepherd Israel.

Father, we know that Herod, was a wicked king.
Seeking to destroy the child, evil he would bring.
The enemy wages destruction, against us wages war
Protect us and our loved ones.  Let him harm us no more.

Help us, Father, follow Jesus.  Though we travel from afar.
Help us all to follow Jesus, as the Magi followed the star.

(Based on Matthew 2:1-6)

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