Jesus made His disciples get in a boat to ride,
To go to Bethsaida, sail to the other side.
He went up a mountain, still during light of day.
He climbed up that mountain.  There He went to pray.

By night, the boat had traveled quite far out to sea.
Jesus alone, back on shore, was calm as He could be.
The disciples’ boat was tossed about.   Against strong wind they rowed,
They’d probably much rather been, in some safe, secure abode.

It was the fourth watch of the night, which means three in the morning.
When a miracle would happen.  It happened without warning.
Someone walking on the water; they thought it was a ghost,
They knew not they were looking at the blessed Lord of Hosts.

Then spoke the Lord: “Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid.”
The disciples were astounded; most likely quite amazed.
He got into the boat with them.  The wind then died down too.
There’s nothing that our good Lord Jesus cannot for us do.

We can feel like inept boaters, rowing on a stormy sea.
The boat is rocking to and fro.  So tossed about are we.
We struggle to persevere; against strong winds, to row.
How we will get through all of this—at times we do not know.

Lord Jesus, walk now to us on our stormy seas.
Calm the fears within.  Help us, in You believe.
Climb into our boats.  Help us be not afraid.
Never leave us, Jesus.  Bring us comfort.  With us stay.

Our loved ones too are on rough seas.  It’s quite a wild ride.
Deceiving waves crash over them.  Lies strike from every side.
Go to them, Lord Jesus.  May Your love they now know.
Calm the stormy seas.  The truth on them bestow.

Help each loved one love the truth.  Help each one flee from sin.
Help them begin to row with faith.  Give to them strength within.
Be with us sweet Lord Jesus, wherever we may go.
Keep us united in the truth.  Towards heaven, help us row.

(Based on Mark 6:45-52)



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