Dear Father, up in heaven, You hear our prayers below,

May You with love and mercy, upon us all bestow,

Repentant tears of sorrow, tears to wash our guilt away.

Tears to free our burdened hearts, set captives free this day.


May each of our lost loved ones pray a true repentant prayer.

May this prayer be the path by which they escape Satan’s snare.

The lying thief lures us to sin, then says, as if he’s won,

Now aren’t you despicable? Look at what you’ve done!


Repentant hearts can heal the soul, on this conversion’s built.

“Repentant tears,” said Augustine, can wash away our guilt.

And freed from guilt we’re truly free, to love Him who gave His life.

We’re free at last to seek out Truth.  We’re free to follow Christ.


We’re free to be with the Lord, with Him be quiet and be still.

We’re free to follow the Lord’s path; we’re free to do His will.

Let us take repentant tears to Christ, that we be freed from all oppression,

Let’s find freedom through the sacraments.  Let’s all go to confession.

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