Jesus then addressed them. A parable He told.
To teach them true humility, this story would unfold.
Two men were in the temple. There they had gone to pray.
A Pharisee and tax collector—to God some things they’d say.
The Pharisee told the Lord how he did things so well.
The head of the Pharisee likely began to swell.
He said he wasn’t greedy. Adultery he’d not commit.
He fasted and he tithed. He was proud to admit.
Now off at a distance, the tax collector’s head was bowed.
With lowered head he beat his breast. He said—perhaps out loud:
“O God be merciful to me.” He told the Lord he was a sinner.
Through repentance he gained peace with God. Thus, he emerged the winner.
The tax collector went back home. He had been justified.
But to that Pharisee, justification was denied.
That man who exalts himself, finds only he has stumbled.
As time goes by, he’s sure to find by God he will be humbled.
The humble man who turns to God, of earth he’ll be its salt.
The Lord Himself will lift him up. The Lord will him exalt.
Dear Father, keep us humble, in all we say and do.
Help us to see all of our sins, that we may repent too.
Grant us and all our loved ones, grace to be sanctified.
In humility may we repent. Thereby be justified.
[Based on Luke 18:9-14]
Posted: February 9, 2021 · Leave a Comment
Jesus then addressed them. A parable He told.
To teach them true humility, this story would unfold.
Two men were in the temple. There they had gone to pray.
A Pharisee and tax collector—to God some things they’d say.
The Pharisee told the Lord how he did things so well.
The head of the Pharisee likely began to swell.
He said he wasn’t greedy. Adultery he’d not commit.
He fasted and he tithed. He was proud to admit.
Now off at a distance, the tax collector’s head was bowed.
With lowered head he beat his breast. He said—perhaps out loud:
“O God be merciful to me.” He told the Lord he was a sinner.
Through repentance he gained peace with God. Thus, he emerged the winner.
The tax collector went back home. He had been justified.
But to that Pharisee, justification was denied.
That man who exalts himself, finds only he has stumbled.
As time goes by, he’s sure to find by God he will be humbled.
The humble man who turns to God, of earth he’ll be its salt.
The Lord Himself will lift him up. The Lord will him exalt.
Dear Father, keep us humble, in all we say and do.
Help us to see all of our sins, that we may repent too.
Grant us and all our loved ones, grace to be sanctified.
[Based on Luke 18:9-14]In humility may we repent. Thereby be justified.
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