“This is my beloved Son, with Whom I am well please; listen to Him.”
(Matt. 3:17)
Dear Father, grant to us the grace
To listen to Your Son,
Open our ears to His voice,
That our salvation may be won.
And grant to loved ones Father,
All the grace they need,
To listen to our Savior,
And all His Words then heed.
Draw loved ones to a quiet place,
A silent place of prayer.
In that place of silence,
May they give You, Father, their cares.
Quiet the noise surrounding them.
Destroy Satan’s luring lies.
Open their minds to wisdom,
Dear Father, help them to be wise.
Posted: March 8, 2020 · Leave a Comment
“This is my beloved Son, with Whom I am well please; listen to Him.”
(Matt. 3:17)
Dear Father, grant to us the grace
To listen to Your Son,
Open our ears to His voice,
That our salvation may be won.
And grant to loved ones Father,
All the grace they need,
To listen to our Savior,
And all His Words then heed.
Draw loved ones to a quiet place,
A silent place of prayer.
In that place of silence,
May they give You, Father, their cares.
Quiet the noise surrounding them.
Destroy Satan’s luring lies.
Open their minds to wisdom,
Dear Father, help them to be wise.
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