“…The Advocate, the Holy Spirit Whom the Father will send in my name—He will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” [John 14:26]
Dear Father, send to us now
The Holy Spirit’s power.
Send Him with His wisdom.
Send Him at this hour.
He will teach us everything,
Remind us what we were told,
In the Scriptures by our Lord,
In days gone by of old.
Father, we ask You now,
In the name of Christ, Your Son,
Send us the Holy Spirit,
That heaven’s race we may run.
Father, send the Holy Spirit,
to those whom we love too.
Send to them true wisdom,
That Your will they may do.
We ask this now, dear Father,
It’s Your will we adore.
We turn to You, our Father,
In the name of Christ, our Lord.
With fervent hearts we plead.
You are the only One,
Who can send the Holy Spirit,
That Your will on earth be done.
Father, we ask You now,
In the name of Christ, Your Son,
Send us the Holy Spirit,
That heaven’s race we may run.