Saint Mary Magdalene, outside the tomb, with such sorrow wept,
What had happened to the Master, was hard to accept.

She looked into the tomb, and who should Mary greet,

But two angels.  One was at the head and one at the feet,

Of where our dear Lord’s body had just been laid down dead.

“Woman why are you weeping?” is what the angels said.


She thought the Lord was taken.  She knew not where He was laying.

He had been crucified.  So complete had been His slaying.

Someone was standing near her.  When she turned around, she’d see,

That a man was standing there.  The gardener this must be.

 Mary spoke these words: Sir if you have taken Him away,

Tell me where you laid Him…, she asked this of him that day.

She offered to take the Lord, wanted the Lord protected.

But this gardener was the Lord Himself Who had been resurrected.

 Jesus would then call her name.  Mary! is what He said.

And Mary was so startled.  She’d thought the Lord still dead!

Rabbouni, she cried out!  To Jesus, she grabbed hold.

The truth of the resurrection would begin to unfold.

But Jesus said: Stop holding on to me.  To His Father, He must ascend.

This was told to Mary by our Lord, upon Whom she could depend.

Jesus was going to His Father, and to her Father as well,

Jesus was going to His God, and Mary’s God, the Scriptures tell.

 Jesus asked that Mary tell His brothers what she’d seen and heard this day.

And Mary did what Jesus asked, did this without delay.

She told them she had seen the Lord.  This truth she’d not distort.

She told them what He said to her.  She gave them her report.

 Lord, may we weep like Mary Magdalene for what was done to You.

And may we seek to find You, as You wait for us anew.

May we protect Your Holy words, Your truth and Your commands.

May we do all You ask of us, Your will—may we understand.

 Dear Jesus, help our loved ones, to seek You as well.

May they find You in their fellow men, and in what the Scriptures tell. 

May they find Your healing hand in all of their confusion.

May Your truth be the remedy to each false belief or delusion.

 Jesus, bring Your truth to life in each one we love.

Appear now to our loved ones.  Teach them of things above.

Help each loved one cling to You, God’s only Son begotten.

Help them to know the promise.  Let them be not forgotten.

 Do this now sweet Jesus.  There is no time to waste.

Go to them now sweet Jesus.  Make haste, dear Lord, make haste.

(Based on John 20:11-18)



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