“Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing.
God never changes.
Patience obtains all.
He who has God lacks nothing.
For God alone suffices.”
(St. Teresa of Avila)
Dear Father, may we never be afraid or be disturbed.
May we find our peace in you, never be perturbed.
Everything will pass away, but the things above.
All things may be passing, but not truth and faith and love.
Let us put our mind on things that won’t one day disappear.
Let truth and faith and love be what gets us through the year.
So many things are changing, but to this we now acclaim,
God Himself never changes. He always stays the same.
Let us cling now to our Lord; we lack nothing with our God.
He doth suffice for all our needs on this rough road we trod.
Father, help us grow in patience, as on Thee we now wait.
Help us Father, on this journey toward heaven’s holy narrow gate.
Jesus, we have lost loved ones, do not abandon them dear Lord,
Do now, Father, go after them; may it be You Who they adore.
Go to them now dear Jesus, help them not to be afraid.
Show to them Your love and the reason they were made.
Help them see You never change; You never pass away;
Your steady arms will lift and carry them throughout the day.
Give them the grace to heed this sure and sound advice:
With God we can lack nothing. God and His love suffice.
Posted: March 19, 2020 · Leave a Comment
“Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing.
God never changes.
Patience obtains all.
He who has God lacks nothing.
For God alone suffices.”
(St. Teresa of Avila)
Dear Father, may we never be afraid or be disturbed.
May we find our peace in you, never be perturbed.
Everything will pass away, but the things above.
All things may be passing, but not truth and faith and love.
Let us put our mind on things that won’t one day disappear.
Let truth and faith and love be what gets us through the year.
So many things are changing, but to this we now acclaim,
God Himself never changes. He always stays the same.
Let us cling now to our Lord; we lack nothing with our God.
He doth suffice for all our needs on this rough road we trod.
Father, help us grow in patience, as on Thee we now wait.
Help us Father, on this journey toward heaven’s holy narrow gate.
Jesus, we have lost loved ones, do not abandon them dear Lord,
Do now, Father, go after them; may it be You Who they adore.
Go to them now dear Jesus, help them not to be afraid.
Show to them Your love and the reason they were made.
Help them see You never change; You never pass away;
Your steady arms will lift and carry them throughout the day.
Give them the grace to heed this sure and sound advice:
With God we can lack nothing. God and His love suffice.
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