Jesus Himself was teaching. From every village people had come,
From Judea and from Galilee. Some came from Jerusalem.
On a stretcher, men had brought in, a man paralyzed.
To bring him before the Lord, they would improvise.
There seemed no way to bring him in. The crowd’s size was so great.
They made their way up to the roof, not wanting to wait.
He was lowered through the roof and placed in front of Christ.
The Christ who came to die for us, for us sacrifice His life.
When Jesus saw their faith, He told the man, forgiven were his sins.
The Pharisees had never heard, to such a thing akin.
The Pharisees erupted. They may have become livid.
“Who is this who blasphemes? Who but God can sins forgive?”
Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He put to them a task.
“Which is easier” was the question, which to them He asked.
Is it easier to say that sins have been forgiven? With them, Christ had this little talk.
He inquired if perhaps it might be easier to just say “rise up and walk.”
But that the Son of Man can sins forgive, that all now might see and know,
He told the man once paralyzed to rise, home now he could go.
The man no longer paralyzed, then did exactly that,
He rose and went home, after he’d picked up his mat.
With astonishment, all were completely seized.
And they gave glory unto God. His healing helps us to believe.
Jesus, so many loved ones cannot see You in their midst.
And there are other loved ones now swayed You don’t exist.
In spirit they are paralyzed, they lay on unbelieving mats.
We cannot get them into church. They think they’ve had enough of that.
They cannot comprehend Your ways or understand Your love.
They don’t see Your blessed plans for them, from heaven above.
We bring them to You Jesus; through the roof, we lower them to You.
We ask You to touch their hearts, heal hearts through and through,
Show to them Your love that’s deeper than the deepest ocean.
Help them, Lord, to trust in You, with humbled devotion.
The faith of the man once paralyzed, is not really known.
But of those who brought him to You, their faith was clearly shown.
Faith of loved ones may be lacking. This we do not deny.
Look upon our faith, Lord. To ourselves we seek to die.
Use the grace of our faith, use all our sacrifices,
To forgive our loved ones’ sins, to wipe out all their vices.
Help them rise above their sins, seek good in all they do.
Help them to pick up their mats, seek only to serve You.
Help them find the way to You, no matter where they’ve roamed.
Though their hearts be crippled, help them walk toward their eternal home.
Help them dear, sweet Jesus. The hour now runs late.
Go to them now, dear Jesus. Make haste, dear Lord, make haste.
(Based on Mark 2:1-12)
Posted: July 6, 2023 · Leave a Comment
Jesus Himself was teaching. From every village people had come,
From Judea and from Galilee. Some came from Jerusalem.
On a stretcher, men had brought in, a man paralyzed.
To bring him before the Lord, they would improvise.
There seemed no way to bring him in. The crowd’s size was so great.
They made their way up to the roof, not wanting to wait.
He was lowered through the roof and placed in front of Christ.
The Christ who came to die for us, for us sacrifice His life.
When Jesus saw their faith, He told the man, forgiven were his sins.
The Pharisees had never heard, to such a thing akin.
The Pharisees erupted. They may have become livid.
“Who is this who blasphemes? Who but God can sins forgive?”
Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He put to them a task.
“Which is easier” was the question, which to them He asked.
Is it easier to say that sins have been forgiven? With them, Christ had this little talk.
He inquired if perhaps it might be easier to just say “rise up and walk.”
But that the Son of Man can sins forgive, that all now might see and know,
He told the man once paralyzed to rise, home now he could go.
The man no longer paralyzed, then did exactly that,
He rose and went home, after he’d picked up his mat.
With astonishment, all were completely seized.
And they gave glory unto God. His healing helps us to believe.
Jesus, so many loved ones cannot see You in their midst.
And there are other loved ones now swayed You don’t exist.
In spirit they are paralyzed, they lay on unbelieving mats.
We cannot get them into church. They think they’ve had enough of that.
They cannot comprehend Your ways or understand Your love.
They don’t see Your blessed plans for them, from heaven above.
We bring them to You Jesus; through the roof, we lower them to You.
We ask You to touch their hearts, heal hearts through and through,
Show to them Your love that’s deeper than the deepest ocean.
Help them, Lord, to trust in You, with humbled devotion.
The faith of the man once paralyzed, is not really known.
But of those who brought him to You, their faith was clearly shown.
Faith of loved ones may be lacking. This we do not deny.
Look upon our faith, Lord. To ourselves we seek to die.
Use the grace of our faith, use all our sacrifices,
To forgive our loved ones’ sins, to wipe out all their vices.
Help them rise above their sins, seek good in all they do.
Help them to pick up their mats, seek only to serve You.
Help them find the way to You, no matter where they’ve roamed.
Though their hearts be crippled, help them walk toward their eternal home.
Help them dear, sweet Jesus. The hour now runs late.
Go to them now, dear Jesus. Make haste, dear Lord, make haste.
(Based on Mark 2:1-12)
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