Not everyone who cries: “Lord, Lord”
will Heaven’s Kingdom enter,
Like Judas, we can kiss the Lord,
And still be Christ’s dissenter.
To make our way to heaven,
We must listen and be still.
So, we can hear the Father’s voice
And do the Father’s will.
To do the Father’s will,
We must stop, and must take stock,
Of the words Christ spoke to us,
Build homes on solid rock.
The rains may fall, floods may come,
This may be true, perhaps.
But if our homes, are built on rock,
Then they will not collapse.
But if we fail, to act upon,
The words of Christ firsthand,
Then we will be, like the fool,
Who built his house upon the sand.
The rains will fall, the floods will come
And over time elapsed,
The house built, upon the sand,
Will come to ruin, and collapse.
Lord, we so need Your grace,
To hike Your holy path uphill.
To listen to Your voice,
To do the Father’s will.
Grant this grace to loved ones.
May they too listen to Your voice,
May the Father’s loving will,
Be their first, and only choice.
When life’s rains and life’s floods,
Leave our minds in shock.
May we all be like the man,
Who built his home on solid rock. (Based on Matt. 7:21; 24-27)
Posted: January 29, 2025 · Leave a Comment
Not everyone who cries: “Lord, Lord”
will Heaven’s Kingdom enter,
Like Judas, we can kiss the Lord,
And still be Christ’s dissenter.
To make our way to heaven,
We must listen and be still.
So, we can hear the Father’s voice
And do the Father’s will.
To do the Father’s will,
We must stop, and must take stock,
Of the words Christ spoke to us,
Build homes on solid rock.
The rains may fall, floods may come,
This may be true, perhaps.
But if our homes, are built on rock,
Then they will not collapse.
But if we fail, to act upon,
The words of Christ firsthand,
Then we will be, like the fool,
Who built his house upon the sand.
The rains will fall, the floods will come
And over time elapsed,
The house built, upon the sand,
Will come to ruin, and collapse.
Lord, we so need Your grace,
To hike Your holy path uphill.
To listen to Your voice,
To do the Father’s will.
Grant this grace to loved ones.
May they too listen to Your voice,
May the Father’s loving will,
Be their first, and only choice.
When life’s rains and life’s floods,
Leave our minds in shock.
May we all be like the man,
Who built his home on solid rock. (Based on Matt. 7:21; 24-27)
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