“Great and wonderful are Your works,”
Your words are just and true.
May we ever glorify,
Your holy name and You.

Your righteous acts have set us free.
We see the great things You have done.
Your suffering, the means by which,
Our salvation won.

We may be persecuted,
Defending Truth, the reason why You came.
Perhaps we will be hated,
If we pronounce Your holy name.

Grant us perseverance Lord,
The grace to endure.
It is by perseverance that
our lives will be secure.

Lord, we need Your grace to fight
the luring of the serpent,
That one day we will hear the words:
Well done, my good and faithful servant.

Jesus, we pray for loved ones
Lost and gone astray.
May they know, that You are
The Truth, the Life, the Way.

Help them persevere in faith.
In their souls, fill that empty void.
Show them that, not a hair,
Upon their head, will be destroyed.

Lead them to Your Sacred Heart.
With grace from up above,
Bring them to Your Mother,
Lord, lead us all to Your love.

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