“God so loved the world…”

(John 3:16)

God so loved the world, His only begotten Son He gave,
That we may live in freedom—that we no more be slaves.
That we who believe in Him, may have life and not perish.
That eternal life we would desire; life eternal we would cherish.

God sent His Son into the world, not to the world condemn.
But that His Son might save the world as we gave our Amen.
Light has come into the world—the light of God’s Son.
Let us now live in this light. May our works in God alone be done.

Lord, now in Your mercy, help loved ones believe in You.
That they might have eternal life and find true life anew.
Save them now Lord Jesus. Lead each one towards Your light.
Help them live in truth. Bless each one with holy sight

May each loved one yearn for light of truth—no more truth misconstrue.
May each loved one give to You, O Lord, the love which is Your due.

[Based on John 3:16-21]

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