“…Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.”  (Luke 9:58)


Lord, make my heart a nest of love,
A nest of love for You.
That You may come and dwell therein,
Today and each day through.

Make my heart a nest for love.
A love where truth will shine.
Make of my heart a nest for You.
For You, may my heart pine.

Lord, make my heart a nest for You.
A place where You find rest.
Make my heart like unto thine.
Take my heart as Your nest.

Chaos in this world today.
Yet, my soul You still.
Come and rest in my heart, Lord,
As I rest in Your will.

Grant me grace to love You, Lord.
May my love for You now shine,
As light for what is good and true.
Make my human heart divine.

I give You all that I have.
Make my love ever true.
May my heart be Your dwelling place,
My heart a nest for You.

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