Lord Jesus, may we bear as You have faithfully borne,

This cross which seems so heavy and leaves us so forlorn.

May we, like You, Who for our salvation died,

Now lift high our crosses, from which so oft’ we’ve shied.


May our crosses draw us close to you and may they set us free.

May they take us through this life, and to eternity.

Grant to us the graces, today and every day,

To lift high our crosses as they come our way.


Lord Jesus, we surrender all, in fervent prayer to You.

We trust whatever crosses come, You’ll help us bear them too.

Keep us close, dear and near, to Your Sacred Heart.

May we find our strength in You, and from You not depart.


May we find the victory crown, is what we one day win.

Arm us for this battle.  Free us from all sin.

We pray this not just for ourselves, dear and gracious Lord,

We pray this for our loved ones, lost in much discord.


Give help to our loved ones, Lord, that they go where You lead.

Nurture in them that perhaps small, yet faith-filled loving seed.

Help our loved ones to respond, to answer when You call.

As the world feeds its lies to them, do not let them fall,

Into believing as if true, what are just lies after all.

Help them to know Truth, and in Truth to stand tall.


Jesus, grant to loved ones, the grace to follow You.

That they may find a pure life, a hope-filled life brand new.

May our loved ones seek Your will in all they say and do.

Bring each loved one home.  Bring each one back to You.


We know that You are listening.  We know that You are there.

We know that You love us.  We know how much You care.

We will keep on praying; by grace fight off despair.

We beg You Lord, make haste to answer this, our hope-filled prayer.


  1. This is beautiful Mary Anne, thank you so much.
    God bless, love, Elizabeth

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