“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
(James 4:8)

Dear God, grant to us the grace, to draw near to You.
Draw near You on the bright days; in our days of sorrow too.
Help us, Jesus, know that You are our loving Lord.
May You be the One we worship, the One Whom we adore.

May we draw near You in this trial.  It’s a tough trial we face.
How hard it seems to persevere, to run this holy race.
We can’t keep running on our own, on our own can’t keep the pace.
But in Your will, we can run well, when we run with Your grace.

May loved ones draw near to You, Lord, near to Your holy ways.
In the darkness of their nights and the brightness of their days.
Help sons and daughters run to You, help them at last to see
If they can but draw near to You, Lord, then near to them You’ll be.

Amen +


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