If any man would come after me,

Let him deny himself,

And take up his cross daily

And follow me. (Luke 9:23)


As we seek, to ourselves, now die,

Don’t leave us Lord.  Hear our cry!

Be with us.  Beside us stay,

As we lift this heavy cross today.


May what we suffer, be the Way,

Our burden borne, the price we pay,

A stepping-stone to heaven’s glory,

A gift to You, a pure love story.


Our hearts grieve, with so much pain.

Yet joy seeps in, then grows and reigns.

From grief, our hearts become unchained,

Our crosses can become our gain.


Grief is fertile ground for flowers,

which bloom full in warming springtime hours.

In agony, and grief we mourn.

Then glory from our grief is borne.


For this cross, today we’re destined.

Let’s lift our crosses, drop our questions.

Carry them for love of You.

As loyal soldiers ought to do.


Sweet Jesus, help our loved ones too.

To lift their cross, for love of You;

Seek Your truth, find Your Way.

Help them pick up their cross each day.


May sin in loved ones be destroyed.

Through this cross, loved ones find joy.

May their wounds begin to mend,

Win heaven’s glory, in the end.


May we, our own selves deny,

in all we say and all we do.

May we lift our crosses high,

And henceforth seek to follow You.

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