Dear Lord, may we seek You
in the places You are found.
In the Scriptures may we seek You,
where Your Word and truth abound.
May we seek You in those places
Where You are in our midst.
In the source and summit of our lives,
The Most Holy Eucharist.
We cry out to You, for mercy, Lord.
Knowing You are near.
You care for us and love us.
Of You we need not fear.
Your ways are not our ways, Lord.
Your thoughts are not our thoughts.
May we and all our loved ones know
Our wills have led to naught.
Heavens so high above the earth,
Your ways above ours too.
May we seek only Your will,
In all we think and say and do.
[Based on Is. 55:6-9]
Posted: October 18, 2021 · Leave a Comment
Dear Lord, may we seek You
in the places You are found.
In the Scriptures may we seek You,
where Your Word and truth abound.
May we seek You in those places
Where You are in our midst.
In the source and summit of our lives,
The Most Holy Eucharist.
We cry out to You, for mercy, Lord.
Knowing You are near.
You care for us and love us.
Of You we need not fear.
Your ways are not our ways, Lord.
Your thoughts are not our thoughts.
May we and all our loved ones know
Our wills have led to naught.
Heavens so high above the earth,
[Based on Is. 55:6-9]Your ways above ours too.
May we seek only Your will,
In all we think and say and do.
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