Sometimes it is spoken, sometimes some people say.
I don’t believe there is a God. That’s the belief today.
Beloved, would you answer, kindly hear my plea,
Would you be kind enough to answer some questions just for me?
Who was it, my dear precious, who set the stars up in the sky?
Have you stopped to ponder them, how they are there and why?
Were you there when the earth was formed, had its first foundation laid?
Who fixed its measurements? Do you know who set its nights and days?
Who had the math to do it, knew how to do it right?
Who gave to us the moon, to shed on us moonlight?
Who gave to us a light for day, who gave to us the sun?
Who commanded mornings, when the first morning had begun?
Who sets the boundaries of the oceans, of the stormy seas?
Who tells the waters: Come thus far, no further shall you be?
Have you ever wondered, and have you stopped to think;
Why oceans don’t wash over us, when in oceans we could sink.
Who made the mountains high? Who made the valleys low?
Tell me please, dear blessed one, tell me if you know.
And if you do not mind at all, could you please explain
Who made grass for cattle grazing? Who made the sweeping plains?
Thousands of different flowers, of all shapes and of all hues.
Have you wondered whence they came? Who put them here for you?
Some claim survival of the fittest, are reluctant to admit.
Flowers are quite fragile. Flowers are not fit.
Aren’t flowers made for beauty? A gift to show us love?
Are they not made to lift our minds to think of things above?
I must now ask, for to ask, it is somewhat my duty,
How did evolution come to think of such a lovely beauty?
So many kinds of animals, more than our minds can ponder.
Have you time to think of them, of their source stop to wonder?
Isn’t there an answer? Is there not a solution?
Is it true that all these things are due to evolution?
But how did life first start here? Is that something we can solve?
And whence came the first life from which other life evolved?
I know some think that having a Creator, is like having just a crutch.
But if I ask more questions; would you mind too much?
Did you ever stop to think who put the clouds up in the sky?
That rain would fall upon the earth, the earth be wet, not dry?
Plants only grow with water, have you ever stopped to think,
What would happen if we never had a water drop to drink?
Who gives the earth its bath, have you thought what it would mean,
If rain never came to wash the earth, make it sparkling clean?
Who is it my beloved, when you see it do you know,
Who made the ice for skating, for skiing, powdered snow?
Have you seen the ravens fly? And has the question then ensued:
Who made prey for ravens’ young, when they cry out for food?
Who commands the eagle to make his nest on high?
And just who made the eagle soar throughout the sky?
With legs made like tree trunks, with trunks that can be bent,
Did you ever stop to wonder who made the elephant?
Their trunks can make a shower. In their trunks there is a nose,
Who made their trunks something like a silly fire hose?
Who gave giraffes so long a neck, this to you I ask,
Was it not someone who knew what it was to make us laugh?
Will you please forgive me, if I am being dense?
But how did evolution get such a great humor sense?
Who gave the kangaroo its hop? Who gave to it its pouch?
Who gave to the tiger, before attack, a silent stealthy crouch?
Who gave the dog its bark? And the cheetah a swift run?
Who gave us playful kittens, if not someone who liked fun?
Who gave the leper spots? Who gave to birds their wings?
Beloved, can you answer any of these things?
Who gave to us the chickens? Who gave us chicken eggs?
The next thing one must wonder, who gave the chicken legs?
Who put fish in the ocean? So many different kinds?
Tell me please, my precious, if it’s not too much and you don’t mind.
Who gave to us our bodies, who gave us eyes to see and truth to seek?
Who gave us ears that we might hear, a voice that we might speak?
Who gave peace to still our souls? Won’t you the beans now spill?
Who gave to some great patience? Who gave to all free will?
Who gave us lungs to breathe, if not given from above?
Who gave to us a heart meant so much for pure and truth in love?
Who gave us room for growth, to make mistakes and make corrections?
Who gave us minds to wonder, to ask so many questions?
If all these things were given us, does it not occur to thee?
A Giver of the gifts out there might surely someplace be?
Perhaps too for a moment, you may stop to wonder some,
What is the first cause from which all other causes come?
Whence did life begin? Can you for a moment pause,
of all the causes do you know what was the first cause?
Have you thought perhaps that maybe it’s just not a what at all?
But a Who, Who lives among us, and to our hearts so often calls?
Have you been before the Tabernacle, when sounds were hushed and lights were dim?
Have you asked the Lord of Hosts, if maybe it was Him?
Have you asked the Lord about His love, said you’re mad He let you down?
Did you give Him the chance to bring you comfort, relieve you of your frowns?
Did you invite Him to come and pour wisdom in your soul?
Did you ask Him for His gifts, to give you self-control?
Have you given Him the chance to make your pain and sorrow flee?
The chance to tell you that His love for You is deeper than the deepest sea?
My child could you let me know, if it would do no harm,
Have you ever asked the Lord of Hosts to hold you in His arms?
Did you ask for Him to fix your broken heart, trembling and shaky nerves?
Have you asked Him who He put you on this earth to serve?
As the world shakes its fists at Him, in mad rebellious reeling,
Have you asked to feel His warmth and love, know His freedom and His healing?
I’m confused my precious dear one, just how some things can be.
Do you think that you might answer, these questions just for me?
(Based on Job: 38-42)
Posted: October 2, 2020 · Leave a Comment
Sometimes it is spoken, sometimes some people say.
I don’t believe there is a God. That’s the belief today.
Beloved, would you answer, kindly hear my plea,
Would you be kind enough to answer some questions just for me?
Who was it, my dear precious, who set the stars up in the sky?
Have you stopped to ponder them, how they are there and why?
Were you there when the earth was formed, had its first foundation laid?
Who fixed its measurements? Do you know who set its nights and days?
Who had the math to do it, knew how to do it right?
Who gave to us the moon, to shed on us moonlight?
Who gave to us a light for day, who gave to us the sun?
Who commanded mornings, when the first morning had begun?
Who sets the boundaries of the oceans, of the stormy seas?
Who tells the waters: Come thus far, no further shall you be?
Have you ever wondered, and have you stopped to think;
Why oceans don’t wash over us, when in oceans we could sink.
Who made the mountains high? Who made the valleys low?
Tell me please, dear blessed one, tell me if you know.
And if you do not mind at all, could you please explain
Who made grass for cattle grazing? Who made the sweeping plains?
Thousands of different flowers, of all shapes and of all hues.
Have you wondered whence they came? Who put them here for you?
Some claim survival of the fittest, are reluctant to admit.
Flowers are quite fragile. Flowers are not fit.
Aren’t flowers made for beauty? A gift to show us love?
Are they not made to lift our minds to think of things above?
I must now ask, for to ask, it is somewhat my duty,
How did evolution come to think of such a lovely beauty?
So many kinds of animals, more than our minds can ponder.
Have you time to think of them, of their source stop to wonder?
Isn’t there an answer? Is there not a solution?
Is it true that all these things are due to evolution?
But how did life first start here? Is that something we can solve?
And whence came the first life from which other life evolved?
I know some think that having a Creator, is like having just a crutch.
But if I ask more questions; would you mind too much?
Did you ever stop to think who put the clouds up in the sky?
That rain would fall upon the earth, the earth be wet, not dry?
Plants only grow with water, have you ever stopped to think,
What would happen if we never had a water drop to drink?
Who gives the earth its bath, have you thought what it would mean,
If rain never came to wash the earth, make it sparkling clean?
Who is it my beloved, when you see it do you know,
Who made the ice for skating, for skiing, powdered snow?
Have you seen the ravens fly? And has the question then ensued:
Who made prey for ravens’ young, when they cry out for food?
Who commands the eagle to make his nest on high?
And just who made the eagle soar throughout the sky?
With legs made like tree trunks, with trunks that can be bent,
Did you ever stop to wonder who made the elephant?
Their trunks can make a shower. In their trunks there is a nose,
Who made their trunks something like a silly fire hose?
Who gave giraffes so long a neck, this to you I ask,
Was it not someone who knew what it was to make us laugh?
Will you please forgive me, if I am being dense?
But how did evolution get such a great humor sense?
Who gave the kangaroo its hop? Who gave to it its pouch?
Who gave to the tiger, before attack, a silent stealthy crouch?
Who gave the dog its bark? And the cheetah a swift run?
Who gave us playful kittens, if not someone who liked fun?
Who gave the leper spots? Who gave to birds their wings?
Beloved, can you answer any of these things?
Who gave to us the chickens? Who gave us chicken eggs?
The next thing one must wonder, who gave the chicken legs?
Who put fish in the ocean? So many different kinds?
Tell me please, my precious, if it’s not too much and you don’t mind.
Who gave to us our bodies, who gave us eyes to see and truth to seek?
Who gave us ears that we might hear, a voice that we might speak?
Who gave peace to still our souls? Won’t you the beans now spill?
Who gave to some great patience? Who gave to all free will?
Who gave us lungs to breathe, if not given from above?
Who gave to us a heart meant so much for pure and truth in love?
Who gave us room for growth, to make mistakes and make corrections?
Who gave us minds to wonder, to ask so many questions?
If all these things were given us, does it not occur to thee?
A Giver of the gifts out there might surely someplace be?
Perhaps too for a moment, you may stop to wonder some,
What is the first cause from which all other causes come?
Whence did life begin? Can you for a moment pause,
of all the causes do you know what was the first cause?
Have you thought perhaps that maybe it’s just not a what at all?
But a Who, Who lives among us, and to our hearts so often calls?
Have you been before the Tabernacle, when sounds were hushed and lights were dim?
Have you asked the Lord of Hosts, if maybe it was Him?
Have you asked the Lord about His love, said you’re mad He let you down?
Did you give Him the chance to bring you comfort, relieve you of your frowns?
Did you invite Him to come and pour wisdom in your soul?
Did you ask Him for His gifts, to give you self-control?
Have you given Him the chance to make your pain and sorrow flee?
The chance to tell you that His love for You is deeper than the deepest sea?
My child could you let me know, if it would do no harm,
Have you ever asked the Lord of Hosts to hold you in His arms?
Did you ask for Him to fix your broken heart, trembling and shaky nerves?
Have you asked Him who He put you on this earth to serve?
As the world shakes its fists at Him, in mad rebellious reeling,
Have you asked to feel His warmth and love, know His freedom and His healing?
I’m confused my precious dear one, just how some things can be.
Do you think that you might answer, these questions just for me?
(Based on Job: 38-42)
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