Immaculate Mary, to you we come,
You are our Mother most pure and the one,
From among all of our race;
Is our mother most prudent, our mother, most chaste;

Our Mother most powerful and merciful too,
Our tainted nature’s one boast is you.
Our Mother so meek, our Mother so mild
Our Mother most powerful and undefiled.

Our Gate of Heaven, as told from of old
You’re the Ark of the covenant, and House of Gold.
You’re the health of the sick.  Upon you we lean.
Mary Immaculate, You are our Queen.

Mystical rose, like you, there is no other,
We give all to Jesus, through you our Mother.
Take our feeble works, and when we are done
Shine them all up and give them to your Son.

Be with our loved ones, lost and astray,
Reach their troubled hearts, in your motherly way.
Comfort their souls, confused and undone.
Show them the way to true joy in your Son.

Touch our loved ones, Mary, with Your Immaculate Heart.
May they know your perfect love right from the start.
We honor you Mary, our Mother most pure.
The Church’s Mother, our mother and more.

Thank you for your prayers, and for your graces,
For helping us run all of life’s races.
Pray for us, Mary.  Pray for our loved ones too.
Lead us to Jesus, and His love pure and true.





  1. Mother Mary, please always keep our loved ones together with us under your mantle and bring all of us closer to the Trinity.

  2. Mary, when i read your blogs, your poetry, your responses…i am so grateful that God has given you the gifts you display, with authentic Catholic clarity. You pro-vide emotional support and clear guidance toward truth and helpful connections, to educated people with knowledge and good direction toward what really matters…the principles and laws that God desires for His People to honor Him and respect themselves and others.

    • Mary, when i read your blogs, your poetry, your responses…i am so grateful that God has given you the gifts you display, with authentic Catholic clarity. You pro-vide emotional support and clear guidance toward truth and helpful connections, to educated people with knowledge and good direction toward what really matters…the principles and laws that God desires for His People to honor Him and respect themselves and others.

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