Lord Jesus, You Who for our sins did suffer, and did die;
We ourselves are feeling now, somewhat crucified,
We thought we gave our children faith—a pearl of great price,
They dropped this pearl, embraced the world, shunning our advice.

As if our love for them was useless, useless too the work we’d done,
In teaching them to know You, the Father’s only Son.
We know that with the faith, once we’ve served You for a while,
Tribulations come along, and so too many trials.

But it shocked us to see them turn, and leave their faith rejected.
We did not see this coming.  It was so unexpected.
By fire, gold is tested.  To this we do confess,
We are feeling tested, amidst this confusing mess.

We are feeling broken, feeling humiliated.
But is it not the humble, who in heaven are exalted and elated?
In patience, Lord, we cling to You.  You, we will not forsake.
But we are feeling bitten, attacked by the snake.

But could it be we’re seeing things, from some selfish steeple?
Why should this be a cross meant only for other people?
And isn’t this way of thinking, when in truth we can abide,
A little bit of smugness, and a tad bit of pride?

Yes, we are feeling crushed, at times much disturbed.
We pray for grace in trouble, grace to stay unperturbed.
We accept what has befallen us, accept it with much sorrow.
Yet wait in hope for better days, and glorious tomorrows.

We beg Your loving mercy, Lord. Help us lest we fall.
Fear of the Lord and wisdom, we pray You grant us all.
Grant mercy to our loved ones; that their hearts be enlightened.
May Your belt of truth, around their waists, be fastened and tightened.

Has anyone put hope in You, and been disappointed?
Have any been forsaken, who trusted You, the One Anointed?
You are our Protector Lord, in crippling debris and rubble.
Protect us Lord, and those we love.  Save us in this time of trouble.

(Based on Sirach 2:1-11)


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