“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
For sin there is a heavy price,
A price ‘oft hidden by clatter and din,
While Jesus Christ calls us to life.
‘Tis death we receive for sin.
Let us flee every sinful thought,
Flee each sinful word and deed.
May Christ be center of our life.
His teaching may we now believe.
And may our loved ones also flee
Sin’s path—so dark and dim.
May they take the path of eternal life.
That salvation they may win.
Dear God reveal to our fallen world,
But especially to those we love,
The truth of how sin rots the soul.
Reveal this with grace from above.
Then take each loved one by the hand,
Lord of Mercy, help them to find,
The gift of life eternal in You.
Grant them wisdom and peace of mind.
Help them to stand as soldiers bold,
With lives abandoned to You.
Lead each loved one to eternal life.
Lead each loved one back to You.
Please God,
Bring our Loved ❤️ Ones close to you