Blessed is he who perseveres in temptation,
for when he has been proven he will receive the crown of life.
(James 1:12)
The crown of life awaits us,
If in faith, we persevere—
If we resist the devil,
And to God’s truth hold dear.
Each good and perfect gift,
Comes to us from above,
From our Father and our King,
He Who is perfect love.
Father, call us out of darkness,
Into Your light of mercy.
Set us free with divine truth.
With truth, may we settle controversy.
Bless our loved ones Father.
In truth, may they abound.
Keep them ever faithful,
That one day they be crowned.
Crowned as sons and daughters,
Of You Father and true King,
Crowned as royal children.
May obedience now bring,
To each son and daughter,
Love for holy dignity,
Their true royal heritage,
Authentic nobility.
Keep them close in your protection.
With eyes of wisdom may they see.
May they yearn to dwell within Your Kingdom,
For all eternity.
Posted: February 19, 2020 · Leave a Comment
Blessed is he who perseveres in temptation,
for when he has been proven he will receive the crown of life.
(James 1:12)
The crown of life awaits us,
If in faith, we persevere—
If we resist the devil,
And to God’s truth hold dear.
Each good and perfect gift,
Comes to us from above,
From our Father and our King,
He Who is perfect love.
Father, call us out of darkness,
Into Your light of mercy.
Set us free with divine truth.
With truth, may we settle controversy.
Bless our loved ones Father.
In truth, may they abound.
Keep them ever faithful,
That one day they be crowned.
Crowned as sons and daughters,
Of You Father and true King,
Crowned as royal children.
May obedience now bring,
To each son and daughter,
Love for holy dignity,
Their true royal heritage,
Authentic nobility.
Keep them close in your protection.
With eyes of wisdom may they see.
May they yearn to dwell within Your Kingdom,
For all eternity.
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