“Your soul is called to raise itself to God by the elevator of love
and not climb the rough stairway of fear.”
St. Therese of the Little Flower
Lord, You ask for our trust, urge us not to be afraid.
No matter what comes at us in our nights or in our days.
With eyes fixed upon You, and on the things above,
You want to lift us up to You, through Your elevator of love.
But oh, how fear can grip us, events are filled with so much fright.
We detest the evil going on, as we fight for truth and light.
Take away our fears. Climbing fear’s stairway is rough.
With fear, may we now be done. Of fear we’ve had enough.
May we push love’s elevator button, shut fear outside the door.
Raise us through each loving story, till we hit the highest floor.
The floor that’s filled with grace, the floor where all are kind.
The floor where truth and peace abound in every heart and mind.
Lord, our loved ones too are climbing rough stairways of fear.
They have no peace within, know not that You are near.
Make haste, Lord, speak to their souls in another way,
On love’s elevator, raise them without delay.
Help them find the elevator, ease them through its door.
Show to the them how to reach the top and holy floor.
Give to them a love for truth, love for You, their One Creator.
Help them Lord to step in Your loving elevator.
Saint Therese, on this your feast day, pray for us!
Posted: October 1, 2020 · Leave a Comment
“Your soul is called to raise itself to God by the elevator of love
and not climb the rough stairway of fear.”
St. Therese of the Little Flower
Lord, You ask for our trust, urge us not to be afraid.
No matter what comes at us in our nights or in our days.
With eyes fixed upon You, and on the things above,
You want to lift us up to You, through Your elevator of love.
But oh, how fear can grip us, events are filled with so much fright.
We detest the evil going on, as we fight for truth and light.
Take away our fears. Climbing fear’s stairway is rough.
With fear, may we now be done. Of fear we’ve had enough.
May we push love’s elevator button, shut fear outside the door.
Raise us through each loving story, till we hit the highest floor.
The floor that’s filled with grace, the floor where all are kind.
The floor where truth and peace abound in every heart and mind.
Lord, our loved ones too are climbing rough stairways of fear.
They have no peace within, know not that You are near.
Make haste, Lord, speak to their souls in another way,
On love’s elevator, raise them without delay.
Help them find the elevator, ease them through its door.
Show to the them how to reach the top and holy floor.
Give to them a love for truth, love for You, their One Creator.
Help them Lord to step in Your loving elevator.
Saint Therese, on this your feast day, pray for us!
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