Lord, ever-present, You are in our midst.
From You and in You, true love exists.
We give You thanks, Jesus, as we turn to You
Only by Your love, can life be renewed.
We need grace to listen, that Your voice we will hear.
You will not leave us. You are always near.
Should fearful thoughts come, help us embrace piety.
Free us from all worry. Free us from anxiety.
When we pray to You, in thankful petition,
When we give our wills to You, in humble submission,
Then peace fills our lives, in a way not demanding,
For peace triumphs fear, over understanding.
Dear Lord, help our loved ones find their peace in You.
Help them pray in petition, give thanks for You too.
Help them know Your love, that You are in their midst.
Go now and teach them that true love exists.
May Your love be the love, loved ones seek first to find.
Guard their hearts, Jesus. Guard their hearts and minds.
(Based on Phil. 4:4-8)
Posted: October 17, 2021 · Leave a Comment
Lord, ever-present, You are in our midst.
From You and in You, true love exists.
We give You thanks, Jesus, as we turn to You
Only by Your love, can life be renewed.
We need grace to listen, that Your voice we will hear.
You will not leave us. You are always near.
Should fearful thoughts come, help us embrace piety.
Free us from all worry. Free us from anxiety.
When we pray to You, in thankful petition,
When we give our wills to You, in humble submission,
Then peace fills our lives, in a way not demanding,
For peace triumphs fear, over understanding.
Dear Lord, help our loved ones find their peace in You.
Help them pray in petition, give thanks for You too.
Help them know Your love, that You are in their midst.
Go now and teach them that true love exists.
May Your love be the love, loved ones seek first to find.
Guard their hearts, Jesus. Guard their hearts and minds.
(Based on Phil. 4:4-8)
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