“There is a time for everything…under the heavens.”  (Eccl. 3:1)

There is a time for everything, for everything a time.
A time for us to be born, a time for us to die.
There is a time for planting, and for uprooting too.
There is a time to tear down; a time to build anew.

There is a time for speaking out.  A time our tongues to hold.
There is a time to be young, a time for growing old.
There is a time for holding close and for letting go.
There is a time for everything.  This much, Lord, we know.

But sometimes, Lord, we wonder, must there be time for sin?
If we cling to You, Lord, will goodness at last win?
We think of dreams that are now dead—destroyed by evil deeds.
Distressed we are that Satan sewed in hearts such wicked seeds.

Restore now, Lord, purity.  Let wisdom now set sail.
May truth and goodness flourish, and peace in hearts prevail.
Send love ones grace, dear Father.  Give to them the will,
To seek nothing but to please You, with loving hearts made still.

May this be the time, Lord, for loved ones to know what’s true,
That they may seek to honor You, in all they say and do.
At this time, dear Father, may You hear our fervent plea
That hearts will turn to Thy love.  By Thy love be set free.

(Based on Eccl 3:1-11)









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