The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.

From it flows the unity which heals us of all strife.

For through the Holy Eucharist, which means in truth Thanksgiving,

God unites us on a path to pure and holy living.

Let us receive Him worthily; through confession He forgives,

That we be not defiled or commit a sacrilege.

One dresses in clean garments when at a wedding feast.

Our Lord deserves the best from us and not our very least.


In Most Holy Communion, we receive You, precious Lord.

You give to us Your very self, O God Who we adore.

And through this precious bit of bread which has been consecrated,

We become more like You in Whose image we’re created.


Send Your Holy Spirit, Lord, to rest on all our souls.

May receiving Jesus worthily be first of all our goals.

Give to us the wisdom to see the cause of our disunion:

Your body is badly bloodied by sacrilegious Communions.


May confession wash from our souls all grime and dirt and mud.

May peace be found with one another through Your Body, Soul and Blood.

Lord Jesus, there are many who do not believe You’re there.

Find a way to show them, Lord, just how much You care.


Help all along the path of truth to find the way to You.

Bring all to confession and to pure living too.

With You may we now unite, as our first common bond.

You call all to Communion   Help us all to respond.


There is no rest outside You, Lord; in You is our true peace.

Only through the Eucharist will our divisions cease.

Be our teacher, Jesus, instruct us on our way.

Through the Holy Eucharist, unite all in truth today.

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