“The saints did not all begin well; but they all ended well.” (St. John Vianney)


One need not be a perfect soul, to one day be a saint.

Many saintly souls once had lives of little self-restraint.

Forgive us now, dear Lord, for the times when we were blind.

For the times when we offended You, left sanctity behind.


Put us on the narrow path, which leads to life abundant.

Keep our feet upon this path, our minds off sins redundant.

May all we say, and all we think, and all the things we do,

Be said and thought and done, in a way that pleases You.


Some of our sons and daughters, now march as if abducted,

Along a path of willful sin, where pure love is destructed.

In sync with fallen culture, its depraved, degrading drum,

Of sin they seem oblivious.  To sin, they now seem numb.


The enemy has launched on those we love a dangerous attack.

Lord, mine the demons from their souls.  Hold the demons back.

Send holy saints to help them, from every saintly region.

Send angels and archangels, send multitudes of angel Legions!


Make haste, send aid, dear loving Lord, to this earthly land of sorrow,

We beg Thee, Lord, do this today.  Wait not until tomorrow.

Make the devils powerless.  Their havoc, now dispel.

Dispatch the devils from this land.  Send them back to hell.


May we now, with those we love, lift our crosses with You,

To be victor in this battle, there are things we need to do.

May we don our Godly armor, bravely stand our royal ground.

In every word we speak henceforth, may truth alone be found.


Let no one steal the truth from us, thus leaving us debased.

May truth be buckled firmly, and secure around our waists.

May righteousness protect our hearts from every evil and all greed.

Righteousness is the breastplate, of which, we are in need.


With feet now, forever shod, in scriptures of peace,

May arguments, hostilities in our lives now cease.

May we live the faith.  May faith we humbly acclaim.

May our holy shield of faith, extinguish every evil flame.


May thinking of our final end, inspire penance and oblation.

The helmet which protects our minds, is truth of our salvation

May love of Thy Holy Word, be our heartfelt goal.

Thy Word is the sword, which plunged forth, can pierce the hardened soul.


O Lord, we are imperfect.  Yet we strive to lift this cross.

We beg You, Lord, for mercy.  Save loved ones on high waves tossed.

Receive our sacrifices.  We offer them without complaint.

One day, may we greet loved ones, in paradise, as fellow saints.


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