“Jesus said in reply,

‘Ten were cleansed, were they not?
Where are the other nine?
Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?’
Then he said to him, ‘Stand up and go;
your faith has saved you.’”

(Luke 17:17-19)

Ten were cleansed, were they not?
Yet You were thanked by only one,
Dear Lord, give us hearts more thankful,
Than the nine, who left on the run.

Lord Jesus, we have been so blessed,
And we have failed, it’s true,
To thank You.  No sooner do You bless us,
But we ask for things anew.

Give to us contented hearts,
Hearts that see how richly we’ve been blessed.
If we but took the time for thanks,
Perhaps we’d not be so depressed.

Lord, our loved ones have so many gifts.
The Giver they ignore.
Heal their now unthankful hearts.
May they thank ever more.

Ten lepers begged for pity.
We beg for pity too.
We thank You in advance, sweet Jesus,
For the healing You will do.

Heal the hearts of all our loved ones.
May it be You Whom they adore.
Take from them their stony hearts.
Give them hearts thankful and pure.

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