I remind you, My daughter,
That as often as you hear the clock strike the third hour,
Immerse yourself completely in my mercy,
Adoring and glorifying it;
Invoke its omnipotence for the whole world,
And particularly for poor sinners.
For at that moment, mercy was opened wide for every soul.
In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking;
It was the hour of grace for the whole world—Mercy triumphed over justice.
(Divine Mercy in My Soul 1572; Diary of Saint Faustina)

Lord, help us glorify Your mercy, at the hour three o’clock,
Even for a moment, at Your door of mercy, stand and knock.
In the ocean of Your mercy, may we plunge, through and through,
Take the time to close our eyes, whisper Jesus, I trust in You.

Lord, help us to remember, as the clock strikes three.
To stop and pray for loved ones, with trust, in humility.
Show our sons and daughters mercy. In mercy them abide,
At this hour, the gate of mercy, for the soul, was opened wide.

Everything for which we ask, we can obtain, at this grace-filled hour,
For ourselves and for others, through Your mercy and Your power.
It’s at three o’clock, that mercy over justice, triumphs and prevails,
May we adore Your mercy, at the hour, mercy tips the scale.

Let us set all those cell alarms, to go off at three,
Let us stop to pray for sinners, that all the world may see,
The wonders of Your love and mercy, deeper than the deepest sea.
May all adore You and Your mercy when the clock strikes three.




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